漫游青藏高原 青藏铁路沿线 冻土工程博览
普氏原羚简介 普氏原羚现状和分布区域 普氏原羚种群数量 普氏原羚栖息地概况 普氏原羚繁殖状况 普氏原羚活动区域致危因素 普氏原羚保护工作
独特的高原自然环境 青藏高原的地理位置 高原上的世界之最 高原生物多样化 多样的自然景观 高原城市交通与旅游 高原的环境保护 高原的科学考察活动 高原的工程建设
雪花 吹雪 积雪 雪崩 冰雪之恋 冰川 冰川的诱惑 中国最美的冰川 冰川和冰川学的基本知识 冰川学的成长 野外考察 冰雪视频
冻土 永久冻土 多年冻土 冰缘 由世界看我国的冻土 决定我国冻土形成的因素 我国多年冻土的主要特征 冻土季节冻结和融化的影响因素 我国冻土类型及分布 多年冻土地区的融区及地下水 多年冻土的由来及历史演变 冻土区开发与自然生态环境变化 图片分类
沙漠与人 走进沙漠 沙漠与动物 沙漠与植物 沙漠奇观 沙漠里的奇怪现象 中国最美的六大沙漠 世界十大迷人沙漠 沙漠视频
图片视频 青藏铁路沿线典型地段雷暴 闪电现象 激光引雷 人工引雷的过程 防雷 雷电的分类 雷暴及其起电 人工引雷的应用 负地闪放电过程 闪电始发条件与人工引雷 人工引雷的特征 雷霆防雷网专区
南极 北极 无人区的动物 南极之光 到欧洲最高峰考察 三登珠穆朗玛峰 走进北极圈 希夏邦马峰初探 天山情怀 青藏高原的诱惑 安第斯山纪行
中国积雪的分布特点 雪的基本特性 积雪的功能特性及其影响 诗意般的积雪景观 冰川及其景观 中国典型冰川景观欣赏 中国冰川之最 中国冰川景观欣赏 冰雪灾的特点及其减灾防灾?
生态风险 绿洲农业 生态环境 生态农业 生态气候 生态修复
大气 大气污染的知识 大气的科学知识 气象科普小知识 大气视频资料
水资源 地球生命之液 地球与水资源 探索地球水的奥秘 地下水资源 水忧患 人类生存与水资源危机 生命的资源水
一本没有写出来的书 上穷碧落下黄泉 稳定并非就是一切 心系长江,魂归黄河 长风几万里,吹度玉门关
沙米 沙米形态特征 沙米生活习性 沙米的地理分布 沙米的价值
科学问答 科普共建 精彩视频


发布人:admin   发布时间:2019-06-11   作者:   资料来源:

Latest observations on sprites, jets and other phenomena
This section will be updated as new observations about sprites and related phenomena become available.
This will include new results from scientists as well as selected reports supplied by visitors to this site.
The map below is a representation of where various transient luminous events (sprites, blue jets, elves, etc)
have been reported. Over the central U.S., the number approaches 10,000 confirmed sightings. Thus the map is schemati



In Memory of the Crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia

Israeli Astronaut Ilan Ramon, one of the seven who perished in the tragedy of 1 February 2003, was conducting
a series of experiments onboard the STS-107 mission. One of these included obtaining calibrated images of sprites
and elves. Two images beamed back to Earth are shown below, along with a press story describing some of the
initial reactions. The detailed scientific analysis of these and other images will become part of the enduring
scientific legacy of the Columbia crew.

January 21, 2003
New York Times
Astronaut Captures Rare Images of Red Luminosities in the Skies

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., Jan. 20 (Reuters) - Sprites and elves dancing on thunder clouds that were captured by
cameras on the space shuttle Columbia could help scientists crack the mystery of recently discovered
electrical phenomena that are usually invisible to the naked eye.

The sprites, which are red flashes of electricity shooting up from thunderclouds 13 miles into the ionosphere,
and elves, which are glowing red doughnut shapes radiating 190 miles, were photographed on Sunday by Capt.
David M. Brown of the Navy.

The shuttle and its crew of seven, including the first Israeli astronaut, Ilan Ramon, are on a 16-day science
mission that began on Thursday. The study of sprites is part of an Israeli experiment called the
Mediterranean-Israeli dust experiment, or Meidex.

This was the first time anyone had taken such images with a calibrated instrument from the shuttle, said Yoav Yair,
project coordinator for Israeli experiments on the Columbia mission, "and it´s causing really great excitement.
" Mr. Yair said Captain Brown did not see the luminosities or knew he had captured their images until scientists
on the ground downloaded the pictures and analyzed them.

"One has to be extremely lucky to catch because it lasts only 0.1 milliseconds - less than a thousandth of a second,
" Mr.Yair said. "Luckily, God was on our side this time, and we caught one."

The discovery of sprites in 1989 and elves in 1994 has opened up a new area of study in the field of upper atmospheric
physics. Until now, images of them have been limited to those taken from the ground or airplanes. The shuttle cameras
that captured the flashes are onboard primarily to help Meidex, which is designed to study the impact of dust particles
on global climate.

How to look for sprites


Whenever thunderstorms are around, it is possible, with a little luck, to spot a “transient luminous event” above the storm. Sometimes you might not even be looking intentionally, and it just happens. Below we summarize the basics of what to look for and how to interpret what you may have have seen.

Your reports are valuable. If you can provide enough detail, it can help researchers better understand the types of storms that produce these phenomena. And we are really, really interested in reports of upward discharges from thunderstorm tops such as blue jets and upward lightning. Also, “ball lightning” is a subject that is again gaining interest from the atmospheric electricty community. If you believe you have seen such a phenomenon, please let us know and we will forward your report to the appropriate researchers.

If you have obtained still images or video, then your observations would be especially valuable to helping advancing scientific study of these events

If you have an observation you wish to contribute to the growing base of reports from amatuers and professionals alike, click here.

General Rules: Most optical transients above thunderstorms are fairly dim (with the exception of upward lightning.)
So, once you have checked out the satellite and radar maps to locate storms within range of your location, the following will help improve your chances:

Moonless nights are preferred.
Rural locations far from urban light pollution are optimal.
Select nights with a minimum of haze, smoke or pollution in the atmosphere.
It is best to let your eyes become dark-adapted for five or ten minutes.
If the lightning from the storm system is visible, it may be best to block out their glare to enhance chances of seeing the dimmer features above.
Sometimes you have better luck by looking off to the side of the storm as you can see dimly illuminated objects better out of the corner of your eye.
Have a watch set to the second to obtain an accurate time for any event.
Listen to an AM radio (tuned to an unused frequency near the low end of the band). Sprites may coincide with unusual or strong bursts of static (called “sferics”)
Bring a chair, and perhaps something to support your head, while watching.
If you have a “night scope,” which are becoming increasingly inexpensive, use it. Many sprites show up very clearly even on older surplus units.